Satellite Media Tours
with Participation Requirements and Pricing
Satellite Media Tours are still the best media buy in broadcasting !
Sample SMT Reel
The Premise: Satellite media tours are one of the most cost efficient means to get your clients message to a nationwide television audience.
Your client can cover the entire broadcast nation from one location. That location is our studio in New York where we can conduct upwards to 14 to 18 "live" interviews (in most cases more) for a 2 hour tour in one morning.
With today’s satellite reach and BTP’s expert news booking service it is a match made in media relations heaven !!
Pricing: 14 to 18 Scheduled "Live" Interviews
Guaranteed Combination of TV Stations,
2 Hour Tour
$ 12,500
(Each additional hour @ $ 2,500)
SMT Production Package Offered:
SMT Post Media Tour Services Offered: