Co-Op Satellite Media Tours with Participation Requirements and Pricing
All the advantages of a Satellite Media Tour with the added plus of up to 75% savings !
Sample Co-Op SMT
Kendis Gibson from HGTV with "Father's Day Gift Suggestion"
The Premise:
Co-ops are still the most cost efficient means to get your clients' message to a
nationwide television and radio audience.
With this method several non-competing clients share the cost of a single media
tour while receiving the same single sponsor exposure but with an incredible
reduction in fees upwards to 75% .... A MEDIA BARGAIN INDEED !!
21 to 27 Scheduled Interviews
Guaranteed Combination of TV Stations,
Radio Stations & Broadcast Web Sites
A minimum of two non-competing participants with a maximum of three per tour;
Participant must commit to a tour by the scheduled commitment date.
(Email for up to date co-op schedule)
Co-Op Production Package Offered:
Create "news hook" media alert (with client input) to greatly interest
TV & Radio AM news show producers to book us;
Third-party credible on-air spokesperson proficient on your tour
subject matter is selected with client approval;
Booking and pitching your story by contacting TV & Radio producers nationwide;
(telephone pitching and emailing is continuous every day for 2 to 3 weeks)
Broadcast your story "live" from our professional NYC television studio
w/ one camera, studio set, technical crew and support staff;
Satellite transponder time and uplink (3 hours);
Producing and directing media tour for 3 hours on the broadcast morning
of the tour. (7 to 9 interviews per hour)
Co-Op Post Media Tour Services Offered:
Telephone and email follow up to stations – especially those who have accepted B-roll interviews;
One VMS monitored VHS tape of a particular "live" interview aired;
Total "audience numbers" and numbers per each station will be provided
within 1 to 2 weeks following air date.